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Version: Next

Migration from 0.4.x to 1.x.x

How to upgrade?

To upgrade from version <= 0.4.x to 1.x.x first follow installation guide

After installing all packages replace old components with 1.x.x api

  • StickyParallaxHeader with AvatarHeader type -> AvatarHeaderScrollView
  • StickyParallaxHeader with DetailsHeader type -> DetailsHeaderScrollView
  • StickyParallaxHeader with TabbedHeader type -> TabbedHeaderPager
  • StickyParallaxHeader without specified type -> StickyHeaderScrollView

Differences between old and new api

  • new api exports separate components for each of header types, instead of single component with headerType prop
  • new api supports FlatList, SectionList & custom scroll components
  • new api inherits all props of its scroll component (ScrollViewProps, FlatListProps or SectionListProps)
  • contentContainerStyles is removed and can be replaced in TabbedHeaderPager by passing contentContainerStyle to pagerProps
  • horizontalScrollBounces is removed and can be replaced in TabbedHeaderPager by passing bounces to pagerProps
  • header prop in predefined components is replaced with renderHeaderBar
  • headerSize is replaced with onHeaderLayout
  • onRef prop is removed
  • scrollEvent is replaced with worklet function onScroll
  • onMomentumScrollBegin, onMomentumScrollEnd, onScrollBeginDrag & onScrollEndDrag are worklet functions
  • scrollRef is removed, use ref instead
  • snapValue prop is removed

New apis that were not present in version <= 0.4.x

  • (Avatar|Details|Sticky)HeaderFlatList - FlatList version of (Avatar|Details|Sticky)ScrollView
  • (Avatar|Details|Sticky)HeaderSectionList - SectionList version of (Avatar|Details|Sticky)ScrollView
  • TabbedHeaderList - tabbed header with SectionList that can be used to create "Uber Eats"-like header layout
  • useStickyHeaderProps - base hook that measures header & tab layouts and applies translation to the header layout
  • useStickyHeaderScrollProps - hook that sets up props responsible for "snap effect", can be used together with StickyHeader(ScrollView|FlatList|SectionList) to create custom sticky header layout
  • withStickyHeader - HOC that creates custom sticky header component from custom scroll component
  • useStickyHeaderFlashListScrollProps - hook that sets up props responsible for "snap effect", can be used together with FlashList to create custom sticky header layout
  • withStickyHeaderFlashList - HOC that creates custom sticky header component from FlashList
  • withAvatarHeaderFlashList - HOC that enhances FlashList with avatar header layout
  • withDetailsHeaderFlashList - HOC that enhances FlashList with details header layout
  • withTabbedHeaderFlashList - HOC that enhances FlashList with tabbed header layout